CBD Oil & Why we believe in it
CBD oil has been all a buzz lately, but most people are left unsure of what it truly is and does. Does it have side effects? Does it leave you feeling funny? What is it meant to treat? The list goes on and on.

Here at Lilly MaRitza Salon, we have been carrying Hemp Beauty Pro 100% organic CBD oil for about 2 months and we stand firmly by it and it's amazing benefits. CBD and Hemp have been used in beauty and skin care remedies for centuries, to calm anxiety, and reduce pain. A few of us have been using it regularly over the past few months and are thrilled with the results.
- Anti-Inflammatory Properties: CBD oil targets pain and reduces inflammation by interacting with receptors in the brain and immune system. Commonly treating chronic pain, headaches, and arthritis.
-Antioxidant Properties: Antioxidants protect the skin from free radicals and harmful environmental aggressors. CBD targets these free radicals from the cells, and reduces the damage caused by oxidation. People have found the antioxidant properties of CBD to be even greater than those of Vitamin C, E, or A!
-Anti-Aging Properties: The endocannibinoid system is essential to the support of basal skin cells. These cells make up approximately 90% of the the epidermis. CBD provides additional support to this system, enabling it to replace old skin cells at a more rapid rate, and prolonging cell life within the skin.
-Anti-Anxiety Properties: CBD boosts your serotonin receptors, bonding especially to a specific one ( 5 HT 1A) that has the strongest role in combating anxiety and anxiety related disorders. CBD also counteracts damage done by chronic stress by stimulating the growth of new neurons and thus, boosting neural regeneration.
Hemp Beaty Pro's CBD oil contains NO THC (the property that makes you experience a 'high' sensation) and therefore, you feel no different when you take it. There is no onset of a funny feeling, no noticeable side effects. On the contrary, you begin to feel better the more that you take it!
For more information on Hemp Beauty Pro's CBD Oil, head to their website by clicking the photo below!